Who We Are

The National Alliance of Christian Schools (NACS) is a professional alliance of Christian schools and pre-schools, colleges and universities, home school communities, churches, educators and others who support the education of children through a biblical worldview.
We exist to advance both independent and church-related Christian school ministries by fortifying school leaders with information, training, professional networks and a legislative influence arm. We are a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization overseen by a Board of Trustees and Executive Director.
We embrace the biblical principles of Kingdom Education, is a life-long, Bible-based, Christ-centered process of leading a child to Christ, building a child up in Christ, and equipping a child to serve Christ. (Schultz, 2003)
We are committed to programs that encourage and support excellence in Christian education, a biblical worldview in curriculum and admissions policies that make Christian education available to all students regardless of race, national or ethnic origin.
NACS is “Equipping for Excellence through Kingdom Education”
Ecclesiastes 4:12, Psalm 78:1-7 Colossians 2:8
The Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools, DBA National Alliance of Christian Schools, is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, national or ethnic origin in employment or school membership practices.