
Christian schools like yours are trying to thrive in a culture that is increasingly anti-Christian. There is value in relationships with mission-aligned associations. We are uniquely positioned to help you pursue your mission effectively while creating an alliance with other Christian schools.
Affordable Pricing
At around $2 per student, we offer the most competitive and reasonable pricing among Christian school associations. The value of NACS membership far exceeds the nominal cost.
School Accreditation
The NACS KingdomEd Accreditation program is aligned with the principles of Kingdom Education to help schools achieve spiritual and academic excellence through a system of reflection and introspection, external peer review, and continuous school improvement. This unique accrediting program meets the needs of both smaller and larger schools. Having been fully approved by the National Council for Private School Accreditation, KingdomEd Accreditation is a great option for first-time accredited schools and as an additional accreditation for currently accredited schools who wish to solidify alignment with the principles of Kingdom Education. As well, we have a partnership with ACSI and Cognia to provide dual-accreditation with either of those organizations if desired.
Kingdom Educator Certification
NACS Kingdom Educator Certification is a program that provides Christian schools with the benefit of encouraging continuing educational and spiritual accomplishments, providing feedback towards reaching excellence, and providing independent confirmation of standards. The program is unique in that it requires not only educational excellence, but also distinctively Christian philosophical elements necessary for a quality Kingdom education.
Professional Development
We have designed our regional roundtables to help your administration, faculty, and support staff learn more about how to serve in their role more effectively and efficiently at the school while developing a network of fellow believers at other Christian schools. We also sponsor the annual Kingdom School Institute and provide grant funding for member schools to attend.
Discounted Continuing Educating
We have formed partnerships with some of the leading Christian universities in the nation to offer members and their spouses discounts on undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate courses and degree programs.
College Scholarships
The Joshua Expeditions/NACS Outstanding Scholars and Outstanding Musicians Awards programs discover and recognize students nationally each year and reward $10,000 in CA$H for college scholarships for graduating Seniors at member schools. As well, a special agreement with Grand Canyon University guarantees each NACS member school graduate a $16,000 four-year scholarship!
Academic Competition
Through the NACS Knowledge Quest competition, your 3rd through 12th grade students can participate in an online-based academic competition against other schools from around the nation and they don’t have to leave your campus. Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in every grade and subject.
A+ Partner Discounts
Special members-only, discount pricing is available from our A+ Partners for member schools on curriculum, testing services, travel, video marketing, legal consultation, and various other services.
Consulting Services & Speakers
Experienced NACS consultants can help you identify and solve your schools’ challenges in church-school relations, development, finances, strategic planning, curriculum, board training, and school assessments. Speakers are also available for your faculty in-service, biblical worldview and integration training, parent nights, fundraising banquets, and other occasions.
Job Posting Opportunity
We want to help you hire the best administrators, teachers, and support staff for your school needs. We know that posting job openings can be time-consuming and costly, so we offer free job posting on our website to member schools.
We stand for and represent your private, Christian school among state, regional, and national entities to guarantee your continued free partnership with parents in educating their children with a biblical worldview framework.