Reflective Report

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COMPARATIVE REFLECTION (select the indicator number below to complete the form)
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1.1published a statement of faith that is Bible-based and agrees with the affiliated church, if applicable.
1.2defined a clear philosophy of Christian education that is Bible-based, includes biblical worldview integration, and addresses the inclusion of best-practices in instructional methodology.
1.3articulated a vision statement that indicates where the school is headed in the short and long-terms.
1.4indicated a mission statement that guides the daily interaction of all personnel and application of programs, policies, procedures as applied to stakeholder and community relations.
1.5listed a set of core values that drives the actions of all levels of school personnel.
1.6developed a set of expected student outcomes that addresses spiritual formation, biblical worldview framework, academic goals, character traits, and other school specific student outcomes.
1.7communicated the school’s purpose statements to all stakeholders and the community at large.
1.8ensured the integration of the school’s purpose statements throughout all school programs, policies, and procedures.
2.1assembled a governing body that consists of individuals who have a testimony of saving faith in Jesus Christ, who guide the school in its organization and policy decisions, who follow a biblical model of servant leadership, and who have a relationship with the overseeing church ministry (if applicable).
2.2established a set of bylaws that lay a foundation for biblical and ethical standards throughout the school.
2.3iterated the principles of Kingdom Education to all current and prospective board members and how this process is applied in the school.
2.4published a governance policy document that addresses the governing body’s responsibilities and maintenance, employment requirements and responsibilities of the Head of School, and overall operational policies for the school.
2.5employed a Head of School who meets the requirements of the governing policy document and who is periodically evaluated by the governing body.
2.6secured general liability insurance for the board, executives, and the school.
2.7retained legal counsel to guide school leadership when needed.
2.8included key stakeholders in school decision-making through focus groups, surveys, and interviews.
2.9developed a Reflective Report / Progressive Plan that addresses the school’s areas of strengths and weaknesses and proposes methods for improvement in pertinent areas.
2.10documented full compliance all federal, state, and local laws and municipal codes including, but not limited to, incorporation, tax exemption (if applicable), health, fire, safety, sanitation, food service, and transportation.
2.11designated that the overseeing church ministry (if applicable), governing board, and executive leadership are the sole fiduciaries of the economics of school operation.
2.12created and approved a balanced, annual budget that shows sufficient income to meet the school’s mission, student outcomes, and overall needs of all school program expenses and is created with input from executive and administrative leadership.
2.13accounted for all financial receipts, deposits, and disbursements using sound accounting, ethical, and biblical principles and properly stored all financial records.
2.14established a system of check and balances for executive and administrative leadership and any staff who handles funds.
2.15provided systematic reporting of finances to the church (if applicable), governing body, and stakeholders.
2.16submitted to an annual, external review and an external audit every three (3) years by a CPA.
2.17developed a fair and equitable method for determining and collecting annual tuition and fees.
2.18offered a program for tuition assistance for needy families who wish to provide their children with a Christian education.
2.19displayed ethical standards in acceptance and processing of any private, local, state, or federal funding for tuition assistance programs.
3.1discussed with each parent the responsibility they have as the primary providers of a Bible-based education for their children and the partnership that is formed when enrolling them in the school.
3.2iterated the principles of Kingdom Education to all parents and how this process is applied in the school.
3.3explained that research-based studies conclude that students are more successful when parents are actively engaged in their child’s education.
3.4provided an organized means for parents to get involved both in their child’s education and in the school.
3.5required volunteering parents to be background screened if they will come in contact with students other than their own.
3.6included parents in school decision-making through various means like: focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, and personal interviews.
3.7expressed to parents that the school’s foundation is the Bible and that all teaching, leadership, and business affairs rely upon a biblical worldview.
3.8created a database of parent/home demographics that include their salvation and church affiliation.
3.9established open and varied lines of communication both to the home and back to the school in the administrative and business offices as well as in the classroom.
3.10ensured that all communications with parents are professional and respectful.
3.11.1defined the role of the Senior Pastor in school oversight and operations.
3.11.2defined the role of the church’s governing body in school oversight and operations.
3.11.3defined the role of other church leadership and staff in school operations.
3.11.4indicated, by an organizational flowchart, the roles and relationships of church and school leadership.
3.11.5developed clear lines of communication between church and school leadership that facilitate a healthy synergy throughout the ministry.
3.11.6negotiated clearly defined financial arrangements between the church and school regarding any/all provisions the church makes toward the school.
3.11.7established a facilities usage agreement that clearly defines the church’s expectations of the school regarding organization, cleaning, and maintenance of all facilities.
3.11.8created a shared calendar for the church and school that allows for dates and facilities usage to be organized.
3.11.9demonstrated a strategy to provide spiritual guidance for parents and students that includes both church and school ministries.
3.12.1established arrangements with area churches that provide for mutual exhortation of church and school ministries through recommendations and shared service opportunities.
3.12.2provided a systematic method of spiritual guidance for parents and students that includes both affiliated churches and school ministries.
4.1employed personnel who have a testimony of saving faith in Jesus Christ, agree with all the school’s purpose statements and lifestyle expectations, and are members of either the overseeing church (if applicable) or a local church of like faith and practice.
4.2required all full and part-time employees and volunteers who have access to students submit to and be cleared to deal with children by a screening and/or background check.
4.3maintained an up-to-date file for each employee that contains: an application for employment, screening and background check results, transcripts for each college/university attended (administration and faculty), professional development, required periodic evaluations, and other pertinent personnel information.
4.4contracted to provide each employee a fair and equitable salary and benefits package with incentives that encourage further education and employment longevity.
4.5maintained a personnel attrition level of less than 20% over a six (6) year period with extenuating circumstances exempt.
4.6required complete viewing of the Kingdom Education for the 21st Century video series for each executive, administrative, specialist, and faculty member employed by the school available through Kingdom Education Ministries, Inc. Prime Membership online portal.
4.7employed an adequate number of faculty and support staff to provide a superior education that meets an appropriate student/teacher ratio for each grade level.
4.8provided adequate supervision for all personnel that includes periodic, documented evaluations and follow-up.
4.9developed a system of mentoring, coaching, and peer-review among personnel.
4.10demonstrated that the hiring documentation for all personnel contains language that conforms to state and federal non-discrimination laws with acceptable omissions for religious reasons.
4.11required all personnel who are required to be certified by the state for their positions, to maintain up-to-date CPR and First Aid certification.
4.12employed a Head of School who holds: 1) a current professional certificate/credential for position in state of employment, another state, or a KingdomEd-approved certifying agency. 2) a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an educational concentration with eighteen (18) post-graduate hours in educational leadership from a regionally accredited college/university or other KingdomEd-approved accrediting agency. 3) served in the Head of School capacity for at least two (2) years at the time of the accreditation or reaccreditation site visit.
4.13employed a principal(s) who holds: 1) a current professional certificate/credential for position in state of employment, another state, or a KingdomEd-approved certifying agency. 2) a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an educational concentration with eighteen (18) post-graduate hours in education from a regionally accredited college/university or other KingdomEd-approved accrediting agency.
4.14employed specialist personnel who hold: 1) a current professional certificate/credential for position in state of employment, another state, or a KingdomEd-approved certifying agency. 2) a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an educational concentration with eighteen (18) post-graduate or specialist hours in their respective fields from a regionally accredited college/university or other KingdomEd-approved accrediting agency.
4.15employed instructional faculty who hold: 1) a current professional certificate/credential for position in state of employment, another state, or a KingdomEd-approved certifying agency. 2) a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an educational concentration OR bachelor’s degree (out of field) with eighteen (18) post-graduate or specialist hours in field from a regionally accredited college/university or other KingdomEd-approved accrediting agency.
4.16employed an Early Education Director who holds: 1) a current, valid professional certificate/credential as required by the state in which the school operates, 2) a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or state approved equivalent.
4.17employed early education teachers who hold: 1) a current, valid professional certificate/credential as required by the state in which the school operates, 2) a minimum of an associate degree and a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or state approved equivalent.
4.18employed early education assistants who hold a minimum of a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or state approved equivalent.
4.19organized an annual, systematic staff development plan that is both broad and specific in its scope.
4.20documented that the Head of School, principal(s), specialists, and each faculty member has completed twenty (20) hours of in-service training or equivalent continuing education credit annually. College/university courses can be applied at fifteen (15) hours per semester hour of credit.
4.21trained all teaching personnel in biblical integration and worldview instructional methods, beyond what may exist in the curriculum, at least once every three (3) years.
4.22continued training all staff in Kingdom Education principles and their applications on an annual basis.
5.1aligned all academic activities with the school’s Purpose Statements and Expected Student Outcomes.
5.2founded the academic pursuit of students on the increase of the knowledge of God by filtering all academic content through the lens of a biblical worldview.
5.3structured a core curriculum of language arts, mathematics, history, science, and Bible for K-12 grade levels.
5.4supplemented the core curriculum with a variety of subjects that include but are not limited to: technology, the arts, foreign languages, and physical education/health.
5.5complied with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations regarding annual number of school days, net instructional hours, and attendance.
5.6restricted student/teacher ratios to generally accepted norms.
5.7established guidelines for grade level promotion in the lower and middle schools.
5.8followed course progress and graduation requirements for upper school students that aligns with the state’s requirements for a diploma.
5.9assembled a comprehensive Curriculum Guide or Manual that is founded on the school’s Philosophy of Christian education and Expected Student Outcomes and includes, but is not limited to: purpose statements, ESOs, scope and sequence, performance objectives, instructional objectives, assessment methods, and a complete list of all textbooks, supplemental materials, and technology utilized in meeting the ESOs for each grade level and subject.
5.10developed a clear scope and sequence or curriculum map for each subject throughout all grades offered with input from key personnel that has a common goal that students gain subject area competency within a biblical worldview framework.
5.11defined performance objectives for each subject and grade that are based on the school’s ESOs. Critical and higher order thinking should be evident in the objectives.
5.12outlined instructional methods to be used in the classroom that are developmentally-appropriate for each grade and subject, based on best practices, and are diverse enough to reach all learner types.
5.13included assessment methods at each grade and subject level that include both standard and alternative formative and summative evaluative tools.
5.14selected curriculum and textbooks that align with the Philosophy of Christian Education of the school, support the scope and sequence, and meet the performance objectives, and support instructional methods with input from administrators, department/subject heads, and teachers.
5.15implemented the use of bible-based textbooks as the primary method of curriculum delivery. If secular textbooks are utilized, they are a limited part of the overall curriculum and the classroom teacher is skilled in biblical integration and worldview discrepancies.
5.16included online courses in the upper school as a supplemental method for course delivery.
5.17reviewed and revised the Curriculum Guide or manual, and all its components, annually with stakeholder input.
5.18ensured that all instructional activities are founded on the school’s Philosophy of Christian Education and reflect educational best practices and a biblical worldview.
5.19reflected cognitive, physical, spiritual, and social domains within the instructional methodology.
5.20empowered teachers to use a variety of instructional methods that are age- and developmentally-appropriate and include individual and collaborative learning, creativity, information gathering, critical and higher-order thinking, and problem solving.
5.21provided readily available instructional resources for all teachers.
5.22included the use of technology into classroom instruction at each grade level. This can include, but is not limited to: computer research, image projection, interactive electronic curriculum, and smart boards.
5.23instituted a homework policy for each grade level that addresses meaningful assignments, consideration of overall homework assigned daily, limited time expectations for completion, and percentage of overall grade impact.
5.24written policies that protect instructional time from being limited by extra-curricular activities so regulated promotion and graduation requirements are met.
5.25provided required learning resource materials to all students.
5.26maintained clean, neat, and orderly classrooms that are functional for each grade level.
5.27provided adequate, sufficient, age-appropriate, and well-maintained classroom furniture, equipment, and supplies.
5.28enabled teachers to apply a system of age- and developmentally-appropriate classroom management that ensures an orderly and effective learning environment for all students and is within the expected behavior guidelines of the school.
5.29developed daily and class schedules that meet the academic, physical, spiritual, and social needs of each grade level.
5.30distributed general school, activities, and classroom calendars through print and electronic media to all stakeholders.
5.31aligned all assessments with the school’s purpose statements.
5.32included an admissions review process that facilitates the placement of students in grades and courses appropriately.
5.33designed classroom-level assessments that are aligned with the Curriculum Guide and measure student learning progress and instructional effectiveness. Assessments are formative and summative and include both standard and alternative forms of measurement.
5.34administered a standardized test annually to grades K-11 that provides comparison to national norms.
5.35encouraged all graduating seniors to take at least one (1) college entrance exam.
5.36utilized the results of the annual standardized testing and college entrance exams in review and revision of the Curriculum Guide, to improve instruction, personalize learning, and appropriately place students.
5.37provided results of the annual standardized test to parents in and understandable method in a timely manner.
5.38developed a systematic process for reporting student progress academically, and behaviorally on a quarterly and final academic year basis to parents.
5.39followed general guidelines in preparation of transcripts of student courses, grades, GPA, and credits earned.
5.40encouraged teachers to report student progress on a daily and weekly basis to parents and to host conferences with parents as frequently as necessary to ensure effective student development.
5.41recognized and awarded student achievements in meaningful ways.
5.42maintained confidential cumulative files for all students that include, but are not limited to: academic progress, behavior management, school/course attendance, and required medical records.
5.43stored student records in a secure manner by paper and/or electronic means in a way they cannot be destroyed by fire.
6.1defined expected student outcomes that include godly character development, assimilation of Christian values, developmentally appropriate spiritual formation, and openness to the will and work of God in their lives.
6.2communicated to all stakeholders that biblical excellence in all areas of life, including school-related matters, is based on competent performance for the glory of God.
6.3expected all personnel to reflect Christlike character and values in all interactions with students, parents, and other personnel.
6.4held chapel services that engage students in worship with uplifting speakers who challenge the students in their spiritual formation.
6.5created mentoring experiences between personnel and students that focus on godly character, Christian values, spiritual formation, and God’s leadership.
6.6provided Christian and community service opportunities for all students.
6.7assessed the character development and spiritual formation of students and compared the results to the expected student outcomes.
7.1complied with all required local, state, and federal standards applicable to school property and facilities including, but not limited to, health, fire, safety, and sanitation.
7.2constructed suitable facilities for the enrollment, programs, and intended use of each facility area.
7.3provided adequate lighting, heating/cooling, and ventilation in all buildings.
7.4supported the developmental physical growth of all students by providing safe and well-maintained recreational playground/athletic areas.
7.5maintained clean, attractive, and orderly school grounds, facilities, and equipment.
7.6recorded regular inspections of food service facilities that meet the health and safety requirements for food preparation, handling, storage, service, and dining areas.
7.7promoted health and nutrition to students by planning, preparing, and serving nutritious meals.
7.8prepared a future facility plan that addresses enrollment increases, program changes, and technology upgrades.
7.9provided sufficient accountability and supervision of students on the property and inside facilities before, during, and after school hours.
7.10secured the property and facilities with adequate fencing, locking mechanisms for doors and windows, and video surveillance of key school areas including in ingress/egress points.
7.11implemented a parent/visitor check-in system that identifies all visitors on the campus.
7.12educated personnel, students, and parents on the prevention, signs, and intervention of bullying.
7.13trained personnel regarding signs of suspected child abuse or neglect and how to comply with local, state, and federal mandatory reporting responsibilities.
7.14conducted and documented routine training and drills for fire, natural disasters, and various crises in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements.
7.15developed a comprehensive Crisis Management Plan that includes, but is not limited to, procedures for: campus lock-down, parental communication, building and property evacuation, notification of police and/or fire departments, on-campus shooter, media and community interaction, and crisis/grief counseling. Personnel should be updated and trained regularly on all standard operating procedures in the Crisis Management Plan.
7.16complied with all local, state, and federal requirements regarding all vehicles operated by the school with up-to-date licensing, registration, and minimum insurance coverage.
7.17maintained all vehicles operated by the school to ensure safety and recorded all maintenance.
7.18required all drivers of vehicles operated by the school transporting students to be properly licensed and approved by the vehicle insurance.
7.19ensured if any personal vehicles are used to transport children off-campus (other than their own students), the drivers are licensed, insured, and have completed a background check.
8.1developed admission policies and procedures that are consistent with its purpose statements and communicated them ethically and professionally through electronic, paper, online, and other media.
8.2complied with local, state, and federal non-discrimination policies in its admission program and does not discriminate based on race, color, or ethnicity.
8.3informed applying students and parents of the purpose statements, biblical nature of the educational program, school policies, financial obligations, and expectations for student behavior and academic performance.
8.4accepted students who reasonably can be served and successful within the existing educational program and behavior management of the school.
8.5transferred and applied credits for admitted students from previous schools equitably and within any local, state, and federal guidelines.
8.6established a clear system of behavior management and published it in a handbook or document that is available to parents, students, and teachers. The behavior management system encourages students toward the goal of self-discipline and includes regimen, responsibility, rewards, repercussions, and restoration for student behavior.
8.7operated within any local, state, or federal regulations regarding the physical, emotional, or mental treatment of students while correcting behavior.
8.8enforced all discipline policies uniformly and recorded any action taken on each student.
8.9communicated with parents regarding student behavior incidents as indicated in the behavior management policies.
8.10applied procedures for suspension or expulsion equitably and within the guidelines of the communicated system of behavior management.
8.11trained all personnel in the recognition and reporting of student behavior that may be a precursor to escalated violent behavior.
8.12provided co-curricular and extra-curricular student activities that are developmentally‐appropriate, provide opportunities for cultural, social, intellectual, physical, spiritual, and leadership growth, encourage cooperation among students, and are non‐discriminatory based on race, color, ethnicity, or gender.
8.13appointed suitably qualified and background-checked staff, parents, or volunteers as leaders of student activities who can plan events and provide appropriate supervision to students.
8.14communicated expectations of Christian character, good sportsmanship, and mutual respect if student activities involve competition.
8.15recognized student accomplishments and participation in meaningful ways.
8.16provided educational guidance services that include academic counseling, student assessment, course selection and placement, and college and career planning.
8.17assisted high school students and their parents in identifying talents, skills, interests, and God’s leadership and will in the selection and application to colleges/universities and desired career paths.
8.18provided a diverse collection of developmentally appropriate books, periodicals, resources, and Internet connected computers that is sufficient and readily accessible to meet the academic reading and research needs of the students and faculty.
8.19equipped students with library, reference, and research skills.
8.20implemented policies and procedures to identify and address any academic, behavioral, emotional, and mental special needs of students.
8.21complied with applicable local, state and federal regulations related to students with special needs.
8.22provided accommodations for students with special needs or refers families to appropriate services to meet those needs.
8.23utilized suitable instructional strategies for students with special needs that are implemented by appropriately trained personnel.
8.24adhered to all regulations if corporate, local, state, or federal funding is accepted toward the tuition of any students with special needs.
8.25implemented a comprehensive, funded technology program that supports student learning, instructional methodology, administrative and clerical needs, and communication consistent with the school’s size and available resources.
8.26procured current technology resources that are well-maintained and fully operational.
8.27provided restricted Internet access for personnel and students with a published policy for acceptable use of the Internet.
8.28made available an adequate supply of audio‐visual and duplicating equipment for classroom use.
8.29established a process of continuing relations with alumni through an association or events and communications to gather data to assist in measuring expected student outcomes.
8.30provided adequate security and staffing if before and/or after school care is offered and has complied with all local, state, and federal requirements for the care of children.
8.31complied with local, state, and federal regulations regarding clinic services, student immunizations, physical examinations, and handling of communicable diseases.
8.32documented and communicated known student allergies to necessary personnel.
8.33maintained records of clinic services rendered to students including illnesses, injuries, allergies, and the dispensing of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
8.34secured all medical supplies and medications so they are only accessible to qualified staff.